—We present in this paper an integrated solution to rapidly recognizing dynamic objects in surveillance videos by exploring various contextual information. This solution consists...
Xiaobai Liu, Liang Lin, Shuicheng Yan, Hai Jin, We...
Current technological solutions that enable content creation and sharing during group discussion meetings are often cumbersome to use, and are commonly abandoned for traditional p...
Michael Haller, Jakob Leitner, Thomas Seifried, Ja...
Resolving local ambiguities is an important issue for shape from shading (SFS). Pixel ambiguities of SFS can be eliminated by propagation approaches. However, patch ambiguities st...
We present ISENS, a distributed, end-to-end, ontologybased information integration system. In response to a user’s query, our system is capable of retrieving facts from data sou...
In radar, when the wavelength of the transmitted electromagnetic wave is considerably larger than the dimension of the antenna, the received signal is modeled as the integral of t...