Abstract— Most e-government applications have to find a solution for simple, reliable, secure and authentic signing of official documents. Citizens need a simple way to verify ...
Abstract— Verifying the accuracy of a passive measurementsbased inference technique under all possible network scenarios is a difficult challenge - the measurement point has lim...
Sharad Jaiswal, Gianluca Iannaccone, James F. Kuro...
Abstract— A system is detailed here for using imitation learning to teach a robot to grasp objects using both hand and wholebody grasps, which use the arms and torso as well as h...
Abstract— Today data sources are pervasive and their number is growing tremendously. Current tools are not prepared to exploit this unprecedented amount of information and to cop...
As sensor networks become denser and more widely deployed, the potential develops for interconnecting these networks to combine datasets, share technological solutions, and to con...
Todd Hansen, Sameer Tilak, Steve Foley, Kent Lindq...