Abstract. In meta programming with concrete object syntax, object-level programs are composed from fragments written in concrete syntax. The use of small program fragments in such ...
Martin Bravenboer, Rob Vermaas, Jurgen J. Vinju, E...
Abstract. SafeGen is a meta-programming language for writing statically safe generators of Java programs. If a program generator written in SafeGen passes the checks of the SafeGen...
Abstract. We improve the performance of sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) on modern cache-based superscalar machines when the matrix structure consists of multiple, irregu...
Abstract. Process-aware information systems (PAIS) allow coordinating the execution of business processes by providing the right tasks to the right people at the right time. In ord...
Barbara Weber, Stefanie Rinderle, Werner Wild, Man...
Abstract. Expression templates (ET) can significantly reduce the implementation effort of mathematical software. For some compilers, especially for those of supercomputers, it ca...