MundoCore is a communication middleware specifically designed for the requirements of pervasive computing. To address the high degree of heterogeneity of platforms and networking ...
Erwin Aitenbichler, Jussi Kangasharju, Max MühlhÃ...
The systolic array paradigm has low communication demand because it does not use costly global communication and each processor communicates with few other processors. It is thus s...
The combination of peer-to-peer networking and agentbased computing seems to be a perfect match. Agents are cooperative and communication oriented, while peerto-peer networks typi...
Benno J. Overeinder, Etienne Posthumus, Frances M....
BlueGene/L is currently the world’s fastest supercomputer. It consists of a large number of low power dual-processor compute nodes interconnected by high speed torus and collect...
Message passing libraries such as Parallel Virtual Machine PVM and Message Passing Interface MPI provide a common Application Programming Interface API to implement parallel...