Commodity symmetric multiprocessors (SMPs), though originally intended for transaction processing, because of their availability, are now used for numerical analysis applications ...
Modern chip-level multiprocessors (CMPs) contain multiple processor cores sharing a common last-level cache, memory interconnects, and other hardware resources. Workloads running ...
Richard West, Puneet Zaroo, Carl A. Waldspurger, X...
Low-latency remote-write networks, such as DEC’s Memory Channel, provide the possibility of transparent, inexpensive, large-scale shared-memory parallel computing on clusters of...
Robert Stets, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Nikos Hardavellas...
Cloud computing is quickly becoming the platform of choice for many web services. Virtualization is the key underlying technology enabling cloud providers to host services for a l...
Jakub Szefer, Eric Keller, Ruby B. Lee, Jennifer R...
Background: The Smith-Waterman algorithm for local sequence alignment is more sensitive than heuristic methods for database searching, but also more time-consuming. The fastest ap...