We consider the problem of pipelined filters, where a continuous stream of tuples is processed by a set of commutative filters. Pipelined filters are common in stream applications...
Some "non-' or "extra-functional" features, such as reliability, security, and tracing, defy modularization mechanisms in programming languages. This makes suc...
Eric Wohlstadter, Stoney Jackson, Premkumar T. Dev...
Abstract. Contemporary high-end Terascale and Petascale systems are composed of hundreds of thousands of commodity multi-core processors interconnected with high-speed custom netwo...
Heike Jagode, Jack Dongarra, Sadaf R. Alam, Jeffre...
Driven by the increasing componentization of scientific codes, the deployment of high-end system infrastructures such as the Grid, and the desire to support high level problem so...
Pilsung Kang 0002, Mike Heffner, Joy Mukherjee, Na...
Service morphing is a set of techniques used to continuously meet an application’s Quality of Service (QoS) needs, in the presence of run-time variations in service locations, p...
Christian Poellabauer, Karsten Schwan, Sandip Agar...