Commercial enterprise data warehouses are typically implemented on parallel databases due to the inherent scalability and performance limitation of a serial architecture. Queries ...
Wook-Shin Han, Jack Ng, Volker Markl, Holger Kache...
Bugs in concurrent programs are extremely difficult to find and fix during testing. In this paper, we propose Kivati, which can efficiently detect and prevent atomicity violat...
Embedded wireless networks have largely focused on openloop sensing and monitoring. To address actuation in closedloop wireless control systems there is a strong need to re-think ...
Abstract. Malware analysis is critical for malware detection and prevention. To defeat malware analysis and detection, today malware commonly adopts various sophisticated anti-dete...
System-on-Chip (SoC) is a promising paradigm to implement safety-critical embedded systems, but it poses significant challenges from a design and verification point of view. In ...
Rodolfo Pellizzoni, Patrick O'Neil Meredith, Min-Y...