This paper focuses on parallelization of the classic static timing analysis (STA) algorithm for verifying timing characteristics of digital integrated circuits. Given ever-increasi...
Akintayo Holder, Christopher D. Carothers, Kerim K...
Motivated by the emergence of auction-based marketplaces for display ads such as the Right Media Exchange, we study the design of a bidding agent that implements a display adverti...
Arpita Ghosh, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Sergei Va...
Techniques for test-case prioritization re-order test cases to increase their rate of fault detection. When there is a fixed time budget that does not allow the execution of all ...
Lu Zhang, Shan-Shan Hou, Chao Guo, Tao Xie, Hong M...
This paper describes our first participation in the Indian language sub-task of the main Adhoc monolingual and bilingual track in CLEF1 competition. In this track, the task is to...
An under-explored question in cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) is to what degree the performance of CLIR methods depends on the availability of high-quality translation...