Reputation mechanisms for detecting and punishing free-riders in ad hoc networks depend on the local detection of selfish behavior. Although naive selfish strategies based on drop...
Bo Wang 0001, Sohraab Soltani, Jonathan K. Shapiro...
We investigate the amount of cooperation between agents in a population during reward collection that is required to minimize the overall collection time. In our computer simulati...
This paper proposes a stochastic fluid flow model to compute the transfer time distribution of resources in peer-to-peer file sharing applications. The amount of bytes transferred...
Rossano Gaeta, Marco Gribaudo, Daniele Manini, Mat...
Preference-based queries often referred to as skyline queries play an important role in cooperative query processing. However, their prohibitive result sizes pose a severe challen...
A deterministic server is shared by users with identical linear waiting costs, requesting jobs of arbitrary lengths. Shortest jobs are served first for efficiency. The server can...