Given a collection of complex, time-stamped events, how do we find patterns and anomalies? Events could be meetings with one or more persons with one or more agenda items at zero ...
Hanghang Tong, Yasushi Sakurai, Tina Eliassi-Rad, ...
The 3D Morse-Smale complex is a fundamental topological construct that partitions the domain of a real-valued function into regions having uniform gradient flow behavior. In this...
Discursive-based analysis of organizations is not new in the field of interpretive social studies. Since not long ago have information systems (IS) studies also shown a keen inter...
Given huge collections of time-evolving events such as web-click logs, which consist of multiple attributes (e.g., URL, userID, timestamp), how do we find patterns and trends? Ho...
There exists a widely recognized need to better understand and manage complex "systems of systems," ranging from biology, ecology, and medicine to network-centric technol...