Most microprocessor chips today use an out-of-order instruction execution mechanism. This mechanism allows superscalar processors to extract reasonably high levels of instruction ...
As more business applications have become web enabled, the web server architecture has evolved to provide performance isolation, service differentiation, and QoS guarantees. Vario...
A secure multicast framework should only allow authorized members of a group to decrypt received messages; usually, one ‘‘group key’’ is shared by all approved members. Ho...
As ICT services are becoming more ubiquitous and mobile and access technologies grow to be more heterogeneous and complex, we are witnessing the increasing importance of two relat...
Nicola Blefari-Melazzi, Dario Di Sorte, Mauro Femm...
The need to understand and manage provenance arises in almost every scientific application. In many cases, information about provenance constitutes the proof of correctness of re...