We introduce a new class of image features, the Ray feature set, that consider image characteristics
at distant contour points, capturing information which is difficult to repre...
Face detection methods based on a cascade architecture have demonstrated fast and robust performance. Cascade learning is aided by the modularity of the architecture in which node...
A new approach to mammographic mass detection is presented in this paper. Although different algorithms have been proposed for such a task, most of them are application dependent....
Despite advances in the archiving of digital video, we are still unable to efficiently search and retrieve the portions that interest us. Video indexing by shot segmentation has b...
Sameer Antani, David J. Crandall, Rangachar Kastur...
Web macros give web browser users ways to "program" tedious tasks, allowing those tasks to be repeated more quickly and reliably than when performed by hand. Web macros ...
Andhy Koesnandar, Sebastian G. Elbaum, Gregg Rothe...