Recent work has demonstrated that using a carefully designed dictionary instead of a predefined one, can improve the sparsity in jointly representing a class of signals. This has m...
Kevin Rosenblum, Lihi Zelnik-Manor, Yonina C. Elda...
Zinc is a new modelling language developed as part of the G12 project. It has four important characteristics. First, Zinc allows specication of models using a natural mathematical...
Kim Marriott, Nicholas Nethercote, Reza Rafeh, Pet...
The pervasiveness of wireless communication recently gave mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) a significant researcher's attention, due to its innate capabilities of instant commu...
In this paper a method for extraction of mid-level semantics from sign language videos is proposed, by employing high level domain knowledge. The semantics concern labeling of the ...
: Cross-match spatially clusters and organizes several astronomical point-source measurements from one or more surveys. Ideally, each object would be found in each survey. Unfortun...
Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay, Tamas Budavari, Rob...