The trend in microprocessor design toward multicore and manycore processors means that future performance gains in software will largely come from harnessing parallelism. To reali...
— This paper proposes a method for identifying an object which contains an accelerometer out of many moving objects in the view of a stationary camera using motion data obtained ...
Abstract— Wireless sensor networks consist of small, inexpensive devices which interact with the environment, communicate with each other, and perform distributed computations in...
Manish Kushwaha, Isaac Amundson, Xenofon D. Koutso...
This paper describes a localization method with wearable electromagnetic sensor and orientation sensor for wearable computer users. Many user localization methods have been invest...
To realize the potential of opportunistic and participatory sensing using mobile smartphones, a key challenge is ensuring the ease of developing and deploying such applications, w...
Tathagata Das, Prashanth Mohan, Venkata N. Padmana...