Images rendered using global illumination algorithms are considered amongst the most realistic in 3D computer graphics. However, this high fidelity comes at a significant comput...
Peter Longhurst, Kurt Debattista, Richard Gillibra...
Team logic is a new logic, introduced by Väänänen [11], extending dependence logic by classical negation. Dependence logic adds to first-order logic atomic formulas expressing...
Abstract: Research in sociology studies the effectiveness of social networks in achieving computational tasks. Typically the agents who are supposed to achieve a task are unaware o...
We review some of the history of the computability theory of functionals of higher types, and we will demonstrate how contributions from logic and theoretical computer science hav...
—Constructing accurate computational models that explain how ions permeate through a biological ion channel is an important problem in biophysics and drug design. Brownian dynami...