The Notification Collage (NC) is a groupware system where distributed and co-located colleagues comprising a small community post media elements onto a real-time collaborative sur...
In many game-like open-ended multiplayer communities, the success of the game, and well-being of the community, depends on the efforts of certain individuals who arrange resources...
Antti Salovaara, Mikael Johnson, Kalle Toiskallio,...
The success of Wikipedia has demonstrated the power of peer production in knowledge building. However, unlike many other examples of collective intelligence, tasks in Wikipedia ca...
The purpose of our research is to support cognitive, motor, and emotional development of severely disabled children in the school context. We designed and implemented a set of nov...
Citizen science projects can collect a wealth of scientific data, but that data is only helpful if it is actually used. While previous citizen science research has mostly focused ...
Sunyoung Kim, Christine Robson, Thomas Zimmerman, ...