Remote tasking encompasses different functionality, such as remote forking, multiple remote spawning, and task migration. In order to overcome the relatively high costs of these m...
Dejan S. Milojicic, Alan Langerman, David L. Black...
When developing concurrent software, a proper engineering practice is to choose a good level of abstraction for expressing concurrency control. Ideally, this level should provide p...
Claude Kaiser, Christophe Pajault, Jean-Fran&ccedi...
There is a growing need for distributed teams to analyze complex and dynamic data streams and make critical decisions under time pressure. Via a case study, we discuss potential g...
Sarah S. Poon, Rollin C. Thomas, Cecilia R. Aragon...
Based on the DIS result, the HLA framework has been defined to achieve interoperability of independent simulators. Concurrently, and for the most part, independent of that effort,...
As high-end computer systems present users with rapidly increasing numbers of processors, possibly also incorporating attached co-processors, programmers are increasingly challeng...
Aniruddha G. Shet, Wael R. Elwasif, Robert J. Harr...