Abstract. Explicit state methods have proven useful in verifying safetycritical systems containing concurrent processes that run asynchronously and communicate. Such methods consis...
In order to understand organizational memory, it is important to understand how things become adopted as memory resources in organizations. In this paper, we describe the genesis ...
Transactional memory (TM) is a promising approach for designing concurrent data structures, and it is essential to develop better understanding of the formal properties that can b...
—Most research into high-performance software transactional memory (STM) assumes that transactions will run on a processor with a relatively strict memory model, such as Total St...
Michael F. Spear, Maged M. Michael, Michael L. Sco...
In database query processing, actual run-time conditions (e.g., actual selectivities and actual available memory) very often differ from compile-time expectations of run-time cond...