Documentation is essential to daily legal practice. On-line access is current practice. The conditions imposed by an information service provider with respect to access and use of...
Martine Boonk, Frances M. T. Brazier, David de Gro...
We argue that while work to optimize the accessibility of the World Wide Web through the publication and dissemination of a range of guidelines is of great importance, there is al...
David Sloan, Andy Heath, Fraser Hamilton, Brian Ke...
This paper discusses extensions to the previously developed “essentiality and proficiency” approach to increasing usability and accessibility of websites. The existing approa...
Matthew T. Atkinson, Jatinder Dhiensa, Colin H. C....
Applying meta search systems is a suitable method to support the user if there are many different services. Due to information splitting strategies of literature services existing ...
ct Land use regulations are an important but often underrated legal domain. Especially in densely populated regions such as the Netherlands, spatial plans have a profound impact on...