The use of dynamic access control policies for threat response adapts local response decisions to high level system constraints. However, security policies are often carefully tigh...
Efficiently managing storage is important for virtualized computing environments. Its importance is magnified by developments such as cloud computing which consolidate many thousa...
SR-IOV capable network devices offer the benefits of direct I/O throughput and reduced CPU utilization while greatly increasing the scalability and sharing capabilities of the devi...
Transactional requirements, from new application domains and execution environments, are varying and may exceed traditional ACID properties. We believe that transactional middlewa...
Anna-Brith Arntsen, Marts Mortensen, Randi Karlsen...
1 Typically, individual DDOS solutions trade service level for security, resulting in overall decreased service performance. Further, each single DDOS solution presents a target fo...
Joseph D. Touch, Gregory G. Finn, Yu-Shun Wang, La...