Markets of computing resources typically consist of a cluster (or a multi-cluster) and jobs that arrive over time and request computing resources in exchange for payment. In this p...
Sergei Shudler, Lior Amar, Amnon Barak, Ahuva Mu'a...
Deduction modulo consists in presenting a theory through rewrite rules to support automatic and interactive proof search. It induces proof search methods based on narrowing, such a...
The Web has enabled the availability of a huge amount of useful information, but has also eased the ability to spread false information and rumors across multiple sources, making ...
Laure Berti-Equille, Anish Das Sarma, Xin Dong, Am...
A user interface, such as a dialog, assists a user in synthesising a set of values, typically parameters for a command object. Code for “command parameter synthesis” is usuall...
In backbone networks, the line cards that drive the links between neighboring routers consume a large amount of energy. Since these networks are typically overprovisioned, selecti...