Background: The regulatory map of a genome consists of the binding sites for proteins that determine the transcription of nearby genes. An initial regulatory map for S. cerevisiae...
Kenzie D. MacIsaac, Ting Wang, D. Benjamin Gordon,...
Background: Differentially expressed genes are typically identified by analyzing the variation between replicate measurements. These procedures implicitly assume that there are no...
Background: Recent progress in cDNA and EST sequencing is yielding a deluge of sequence data. Like database search results and proteome databases, this data gives rise to inferred...
Michael Spitzer, Stefan Lorkowski, Paul Cullen, Al...
Background: We present a novel strategy for classification of DNA molecules using measurements from an alpha-Hemolysin channel detector. The proposed approach provides excellent c...
Raja Tanveer Iqbal, Matthew Landry, Stephen Winter...
Background: A key post genomics challenge is to identify how genes in an organism come together and perform physiological functions. An important first step in this direction is t...