An important focus of recent CBR research is on how to develop strategies for achieving compact, competent case-bases, as a way to improve the performance of CBR systems. However, ...
any benefits. Most significantly, an abstract architectural model can provide a global perspective of the system and expose important system-level properties and integrity constrai...
David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, Bra...
We describe a dialogue management approach that adapts dialogue strategies to a changing user model under the constraint that the approach be able to scale up rapidly for intellig...
Abstract. We study an energy functional for computing optical flow that combines three assumptions: a brightness constancy assumption, a gradient constancy assumption, and a discon...
—We venture beyond the “listen-before-talk” strategy that is common in many traditional cognitive radio access schemes. We exploit the bi-directional nature of most primary c...