A predicate P : {−1, 1}k → {0, 1} can be associated with a constraint satisfaction problem Max CSP(P). P is called “approximation resistant” if Max CSP(P) cannot be approxi...
In this paper, we describe the unique security issues involved in healthcare domains. These have been addressed to the needs of the HealthAgents project. In the proposed approach,...
E-businesses are increasingly facing the need of porting the provision of their e-services to mobile customers. Evolving requirements, such as reliability, security, scalability, ...
Licia Capra, Rami Bahsoon, Wolfgang Emmerich, Moha...
Due to the inherent nature of their heterogeneity, resource scarcity and dynamism, the provision of middleware for future networked embedded environments is a challenging task. In...
Paolo Costa, Geoff Coulson, Richard Gold, Manish L...
For its high overall cost during product development, program debugging is an important aspect of system development. Debugging is a hard and complex activity, especially in time-...