The collaborative filtering approach to recommender systems predicts user preferences for products or services by learning past useritem relationships. In this work, we propose no...
Bitwise operations are commonly used in low-level systems code to access multiple data fields that have been packed into a single word. Program analysis tools that reason about s...
Efficient and robust metacomputing requires the decomposition of complex jobs into tasks that must be scheduled on distributed processing nodes. There are various ways of creating...
-Recently multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are emerging for wireless group communication. This includes application such as multipoint data disseminat...
Named entity recognition is important for semantically oriented retrieval tasks, such as question answering, entity retrieval, biomedical retrieval, trend detection, and event and...
Valentin Jijkoun, Mahboob Alam Khalid, Maarten Mar...