Solid state drives perform random reads more than 100x faster than traditional magnetic hard disks, while offering comparable sequential read and write bandwidth. Because of their...
The computer aided diagnosis (CAD) problems of detecting
potentially diseased structures from medical images are
typically distinguished by the following challenging characterist...
The effectiveness of many existing high-dimensional indexing structures is limited to specific types of queries and workloads. For example, while the Pyramid technique and the iMi...
The World Wide Web Consortium's RDF standard primarily consists of (subject,property,object) triples that specify the value that a given subject has for a given property. How...
Andrea Pugliese, Octavian Udrea, V. S. Subrahmania...
We now have incrementally-grown databases of text documents ranging back for over a decade in areas ranging from personal email, to news-articles and conference proceedings. While...