Crowding is a technique used in genetic algorithms to preserve diversity in the population and to prevent premature convergence to local optima. It consists of pairing each offsp...
HyperNEAT, a generative encoding for evolving artificial neural networks (ANNs), has the unique and powerful ability to exploit the geometry of a problem (e.g., symmetries) by enc...
We describe a hardware and software system for digitizing the shape and color of large fragile objects under non-laboratory conditions. Our system employs laser triangulation rang...
Marc Levoy, Kari Pulli, Brian Curless, Szymon Rusi...
Which agent architectures are capable of justifying descriptions in terms of the `higher level' mental concepts applicable to human beings? We propose a new kind of architect...
We present a vision for learning environments, called Science Learning Spaces, that are rich in engaging content and activities, provide constructive experiences in scientific proc...
Kenneth R. Koedinger, Daniel D. Suthers, Kenneth D...