We consider the problem of nding rules relating patterns in a time series to other patterns in that series, or patterns in one series to patterns in another series. A simple examp...
Gautam Das, King-Ip Lin, Heikki Mannila, Gopal Ren...
We present a method of recovering high dynamic range radiance maps from photographs taken with conventional imaging equipment. In our method, multiple photographs of the scene are...
We present a new approach for modeling and rendering existing architectural scenes from a sparse set of still photographs. Our modeling approach, which combines both geometry-base...
Paul E. Debevec, Camillo J. Taylor, Jitendra Malik
We discuss current approaches to the development of natural language dialogue systems, and claim that they do not sufficiently consider the unique qualities of man-machine intera...
We describe an efficient technique to weigh word-based features in binary classification tasks and show that it significantly improves classification accuracy on a range of proble...
Justin Martineau, Tim Finin, Anupam Joshi, Shamit ...