Recently, significant progress has been made on learning structured predictors via coordinated training algorithms such as conditional random fields and maximum margin Markov ne...
The speculative multithreading paradigm (speculative threadlevel parallelism) is based on the concurrent execution of control-speculative threads. The efficiency of microarchitect...
Pedro Marcuello, Jordi Tubella, Antonio Gonz&aacut...
— The problem of statistical learning is to construct a predictor of a random variable Y as a function of a related random variable X on the basis of an i.i.d. training sample fr...
In this paper we investigate the benefit of stochastic predictor components for the parsing quality which can be obtained with a rule-based dependency grammar. By including a chun...
— Impairments in wireless data communication due to time and location dependent errors can be overcome by using channel-adaptive techniques, like channel-aware scheduling or adap...