An important means of validating the design of commercial-grade shared memory multiprocessors is to run a large number of pseudo-random test programs on them. However, when intent...
Social insect societies and more specifically ant colonies, are distributed systems that, in spite of the simplicity of their individuals, present a highly structured social organi...
Recently, system architects have built low-power, high-performance clusters, such as Green Destiny. The idea behind these clusters is to improve the energy efficiency of nodes. H...
Ad-hoc networks of mobile devices such as smart phones and PDAs represent a new and exciting distributed system architecture. Building distributed applications on such an architec...
Yang Ni, Ulrich Kremer, Adrian Stere, Liviu Iftode
Current and emerging high-performance parallel computer architectures generally implement one of two types of communication mechanisms: shared memory (SM) or message passing (MP)....