XML information retrieval (XML-IR) systems utilize the logical structure of XML documents for retrieving relevant elements. From a practical point of view, displaying the search r...
This paper pursues the recently emerging paradigm of searching for entities that are embedded in Web pages. We utilize informationextraction techniques to identify entity candidat...
Julia Stoyanovich, Srikanta J. Bedathur, Klaus Ber...
Search engine quality is impacted by two factors: the quality of the ranking/matching algorithm used and the freshness of the search engine’s index, which maintains a “snapsho...
Jie Xu, Qinglan Li, Huiming Qu, Alexandros Labrini...
Publish/subscribe (or pub/sub) systems perform asynchronous message transmission, from publishers to subscribers, without any of the parties having knowledge of the other. The pub...
With the huge number of information sources available on the Internet, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems offer a novel kind of system architecture providing the large-scale community wit...