Abstract. Formal certification is based on the idea that a mathematical proof of some property of a piece of software can be regarded as a certificate of correctness which, in pr...
It is our belief that the ultimate automatic system for deriving linear algebra libraries should be able to generate a set of algorithms starting from the mathematical specificati...
Paolo Bientinesi, Sergey Kolos, Robert A. van de G...
Complex structure and varying requirements increase the difficulties in developing domain specific Web Information Systems. People appeal to a smart tool to customize Web Informati...
As a result of the changing scope of data management towards the management of highly distributed systems and applications, integration processes have gained in imporuch integrati...
Reading and perceiving complex SQL queries has been a time consuming task in traditional database applications for decades. When it comes to decision support systems with automati...
Ling Hu, Kenneth A. Ross, Yuan-Chi Chang, Christia...