Extended abduction introduced by Inoue and Sakama (1995) generalizes traditional abduction in the sense that it can compute negative explanations by removing hypotheses from a non...
Atomic regions are an important concept in correct concurrent programming: since atomic regions can be viewed as having executed in a single step, atomicity greatly reduces the nu...
We develop a Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) style agent-oriented programming language with special emphasis on the semantics of goals in the presence of the typical BDI failure han...
Abstract. Smart play-out is a method for executing declarative scenariobased specifications, which utilizes powerful computation methods to compute safe supersteps, thus helping t...
David Harel, Hillel Kugler, Shahar Maoz, Itai Sega...
Many recent advances in complex domains such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) have taken a discriminative approach in conjunction with the global application of structural and...