MapReduce provides a parallel and scalable programming model for data-intensive business and scientific applications. MapReduce and its de facto open source project, called Hadoop...
Kinesthetic feedback is a key mechanism by which people perceive object properties during their daily tasks – particularly inertial properties. For example, transporting a glass...
Software visualization has been almost exclusively tackled from the visual point of view; this means visualization occurs exclusively through the visual channel. This approach has ...
Background: Testing for selection is becoming one of the most important steps in the analysis of multilocus population genetics data sets. Existing applications are difficult to u...
Tiago Antao, Ana Lopes, Ricardo J. Lopes, Albano B...
The second workshop on Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech (SSCS 2008) was held in Singapore on July 24, 2008 in conjunction with the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR C...