Abstract. We introduce a nonmonotonic framework for belief revision in which reasoning about the reliability of different pieces of information based on meta-knowledge about the in...
In this paper we discuss some well-known morphological descriptions used in various projects and applications (most notably MULTEXT-East and Unitex) and illustrate the encountered...
Belief revision performs belief change on an agent's beliefs when new evidence (either of the form of a propositional formula or of the form of a total pre-order on a set of ...
Epistemic and doxastic modal logics (Hintikka [1962]), and the logics of theory change and belief revision (Alchourr6net. al. [1985], Giirdenfors [1988]) are used for the represen...
Abstract. We present a system capable of modeling human newspaper readers. It is based on the extraction of reported speech, which is subsequently converted into a fuzzy theory-bas...