Unlike their cellular counterparts, Wi-Fi networks do not have the luxury of a dedicated control plane that is decoupled from the data plane. Consequently, Wi-Fi struggles to prov...
Asaf Cidon, Kanthi Nagaraj, Sachin Katti, Pramod V...
The detection and improvement of low-quality information is a key concern in Web applications that are based on user-generated content; a popular example is the online encyclopedi...
Abstract. The goal of this paper is to further study the index calculus method that was first introduced by Semaev for solving the ECDLP and later developed by Gaudry and Diem. In...
We present some architectural and technological insights on SAP’s HANA database and derive research challenges for future enterprise application development. The HANA database m...
Joos-Hendrik Boese, Cafer Tosun, Christian Mathis,...
The huge success of eBay has proven the demand for customer-to-customer (C2C) electronic commerce. eBay is a centralized infrastructure with all its scalability problems (network ...