Data products generated from remotely-sensed, geospatial imagery (RSI) used in emerging areas, such as global climatology, environmental monitoring, land use, and disaster managem...
The need for collaboration arises in many activities required for effective problem solving and decision making. We are developing Angler, a web-services tool that supports collab...
Kenneth S. Murray, John D. Lowrance, Douglas E. Ap...
BGP routing updates collected by monitoring projects such as RouteViews and RIPE have been a vital source to our understanding of the global routing system. The updates logged by ...
Learning the user’s semantics for CBIR involves two different sources of information: the similarity relations entailed by the content-based features, and the relevance relatio...
People often seek information by asking other people even when they have access to vast reservoirs of information such as the Internet and libraries. This is because people are gr...