Despite the scalability, availability and resiliency potential suggested by Distributed Hash Tables, their lack of support for replication of mutable data and for strong consisten...
Ben Temkow, Anne-Marie Bosneag, Xinjie Li, Monica ...
Most existing DHT algorithms assume that all nodes have equal capabilities. This assumption has previously been shown to be untrue in real deployments, where the heterogeneity of ...
Andrew MacQuire, Andrew Brampton, Idris A. Rai, Ni...
Many applications require protection of secret or sensitive information, from sensor nodes and embedded applications to large distributed systems. The confidentiality of data can b...
The study of hashing is closely related to the analysis of balls and bins; items are hashed to memory locations much as balls are thrown into bins. In particular, Azar et. al. [2] ...
Ubiquitous computing has become a reality in recent years. Tiny wireless sensors and RFID tags are being deployed today and will soon form an important aspect of our infrastructur...