Motion planning in dynamic environments consists of the generation of a collision-free trajectory from an initial to a goal state. When the environment contains uncertainty, preven...
Abstract: I n this paper, the mapping between the desired camera feature vector and the desired camera pose (i.e., the position, and orientation) is investigated to develop a measu...
Jian Chen, Darren M. Dawson, Warren E. Dixon, Vila...
In the style of binary shading, shape and illumination are depicted using two colors, typically black and white, that form coherent lines and regions in the image. We formulate th...
Bert Buchholz, Tamy Boubekeur, Doug DeCarlo, Marc ...
We present a new method for rapidly computing shadows from semi-transparent objects like hair. Our deep opacity maps method extends the concept of opacity shadow maps by using a d...
This paper introduces an accurate real-time soft shadow algorithm that uses sample based visibility. Initially, we present a GPU-based alias-free hard shadow map algorithm that ty...