The current trends in high performance integrated circuits are towards faster and more powerful circuits in the giga-hertz range and even further. As the more complex Integrated C...
John Mayega, Okan Erdogan, Paul M. Belemjian, Kuan...
Many applications of parallel I/O perform non-contiguous file accesses: instead of accessing a single (large) block of data in a file, a number of (smaller) blocks of data scatt...
Low-level program analysis is a fundamental problem, taking the shape of “flow analysis” in functional languages and “points-to” analysis in imperative and object-oriente...
Abstract. The realization of Semantic Web reasoning is central to substantiating the Semantic Web vision. However, current mainstream research on this topic faces serious challenge...
In this paper, an interactive image retrieval scheme using MPEG-7 visual descriptors is proposed. The performance of image retrieval systems is still limited due to semantic gap, w...