Distributed Description Logics (DDL) enable reasoning with multiple ontologies interconnected by directional semantic mapping, called bridge rules. Bridge rules map concepts of a s...
Abstract—Complex networks, modeled as large graphs, received much attention during these last years. However, data on such networks is only available through intricate measuremen...
Background: We recently developed the Paired End diTag (PET) strategy for efficient characterization of mammalian transcriptomes and genomes. The paired end nature of short PET se...
Kuo Ping Chiu, Chee-Hong Wong, Qiongyu Chen, Prami...
Many information systems log event data about executed tasks. Workflow mining is concerned with the derivation of a graphical workflow model out of this data. Experience from appl...
The physical properties of color are usually described by their spectra, eigenvector expansions or low-dimensional descriptors such as RGB or CIE-Lab. In the first part of the pap...