Video event understanding requires a formalism that can model complex logical temporal and spatial relations between composing sub-events. In this paper we argue that the Petri-Net...
Gal Lavee, Artyom Borzin, Ehud Rivlin, Michael Rud...
Abstract. The WSMO-MX matchmaker applies different matching filters to retrieve WSMO-oriented service descriptions that are semantically relevant to a given query with respect to...
Markovian behavioral equivalences are a means to relate and manipulate the formal descriptions of systems with an underlying CTMC semantics. There are three fundamental approaches ...
The action language A is a simple high-level language for describing transition systems. In this paper, we extend the action language A by allowing a unary modal operator in the u...
We describe a family of reconfigurable parallel architectures for logic emulation. They are supposed to be applicable like conventional FPGAs, while covering a larger range of circ...