We all spend time every day looking for information in our email, yet we know little about this refinding process. Some users expend considerable preparatory effort creating compl...
Steve Whittaker, Tara Matthews, Julian A. Cerruti,...
Adaptive indexing is characterized by the partial creation and refinement of the index as side effects of query execution. Dynamic or shifting workloads may benefit from prelimi...
Stratos Idreos, Stefan Manegold, Harumi A. Kuno, G...
Important ecological phenomena are often observed indirectly. Consequently, probabilistic latent variable models provide an important tool, because they can include explicit model...
Rebecca A. Hutchinson, Li-Ping Liu, Thomas G. Diet...
Deduction modulo is a generic framework to describe proofs in a theory better than using raw axioms. This is done by presenting the theory through rules rewriting terms and proposi...
The study of information flow analyzes the principles and mechanisms of social information distribution. It is becoming an extremely important research topic in social network re...
Hongliang Fei, Ruoyi Jiang, Yuhao Yang, Bo Luo, Ju...