Cooperative design has been an integral part of many games. With the success of games like Left4Dead, many game designers and producers are currently exploring the addition of coo...
Magy Seif El-Nasr, Bardia Aghabeigi, David Milam, ...
Navigational surrogates are representations that stand for information resources within search engine result sets, e-commerce sites, and digital libraries. They also form the basi...
Andruid Kerne, Steven M. Smith, Hyun Choi, Ross Gr...
In this paper we present DaFEx (Database of Facial Expressions), a database created with the purpose of providing a benchmark for the evaluation of the facial expressivity of Embo...
A group of friends visiting a crowded and noisy music festival is an example of a situation where knowing the location of other people is important, but where external factors, su...
People strive to obtain self-knowledge. A class of systems called personal informatics is appearing that help people collect and reflect on personal information. However, there is...