When a query is submitted to a search engine, the search engine returns a dynamically generated result page containing the result records, each of which usually consists of a link...
The Web makes it possible for news readers to learn more about virtually any story that interests them. Media outlets and search engines typically augment their information with l...
Francisco Iacobelli, Larry Birnbaum, Kristian J. H...
Semantic Web data exhibits very skewed frequency distributions among terms. Efficient large-scale distributed reasoning methods should maintain load-balance in the face of such hi...
The field of biomedicine has embraced the Semantic Web probably more than any other field. As a result, there is a large number of biomedical ontologies covering overlapping area...
Amir Ghazvinian, Natalya Fridman Noy, Clement Jonq...
— Given two versions of a file, a current version located on one machine and an outdated version known only to another machine, the remote file synchronization problem is how t...