Email has come to play a central role in task management, yet email tool features have remained relatively static in recent years, lagging behind users' evolving practices. T...
Victoria Bellotti, Nicolas Ducheneaut, Mark Howard...
: The technology of virtual machines is widely applied in many fields, such as code transplanting, cross-platform computing, and hardware simulation. The main purpose is to simulat...
RFID technology increases rapidly its applicability in new areas of interest without guaranteeing security and privacy issues. This paper presents a new architecture of an RFID tr...
Paolo Bernardi, Filippo Gandino, Bartolomeo Montru...
Wireless and mobile devices are beginning to offer stunning new technical capabilities for collaborative learning. Yet, researchers in this field must recognize the importance of ...
Chris DiGiano, Louise Yarnall, Charles Patton, Jer...
This paper presents an initial design of the "Plug-nAnalyze" framework for the tradeoff analysisin determining architecture alternatives that have different strength and...