The emergence of online labor markets makes it far easier to use individual human raters to evaluate materials for data collection and analysis in the social sciences. In this pap...
Abstract— This paper presents the results of an experiment in human-robot social interaction. Its purpose was to measure the impact of certain features and behaviors on people’...
Allison Bruce, Illah R. Nourbakhsh, Reid G. Simmon...
This is a critical design paper offering a possible scenario of use intended to provoke reflection about values and politics of design in persuasive computing. We describe the des...
Stephen Purpura, Victoria Schwanda, Kaiton William...
We consider the problem of designing automated strategies for interactions with human subjects, where the humans must be rewarded for performing certain tasks of interest. We focu...
This paper presents an interactive analysis and visualization framework for behavior histories, called mPATH framework. In ubiquitous computing environment, it is possible to infe...