Abstract. Association rule mining algorithms such as Apriori were originally developed to automatically detect patterns in sales transactions and were later on also successfully ap...
Solid-state disks are currently based on NAND flash and expose a standard disk interface. To accommodate limitations of the medium, solid-state disk implementations avoid rewritin...
Today's transactional memory systems implement the two-phase-locking (2PL) algorithm which aborts transactions every time a conflict happens. 2PL is a simple algorithm that pr...
Abstract--Motivated by the recent concept of Spatial Modulation (SM), we propose a novel Space-Time Shift Keying (STSK) modulation scheme for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) ...
The robustness of a system is a property that pervades all aspects of Nature. The ability of a system to adapt itself to perturbations due to internal and external agents, to agin...