We present ClearView, a system for automatically patching errors in deployed software. ClearView works on stripped Windows x86 binaries without any need for source code, debugging...
Jeff H. Perkins, Sunghun Kim, Samuel Larsen, Saman...
Neural signals are everywhere just like mobile phones. We propose to use neural signals to control mobile phones for hands-free, silent and effortless human-mobile interaction. Un...
Andrew T. Campbell, Tanzeem Choudhury, Shaohan Hu,...
In this paper, we propose a novel predictive model for
object boundary, which can integrate information from any
sources. The model is a dynamic “object” model whose
Tian Shen (Lehigh University), Hongsheng Li (Lehig...
The task of multi-camera surveillance is to reconstruct the paths taken by all moving objects that are temporarily visible from multiple non-overlapping cameras. We present a Baye...
We assess the applicability of several popular learning methods for the problem of recognizing generic visual categories with invariance to pose, lighting, and surrounding clutter...