End users are often frustrated by unexpected problems while using networked software, leading to frustrated calls to the help desk seeking solutions. However, trying to locate the...
Krist Wongsuphasawat, Pornpat Artornsombudh, Bao N...
— The complexity of current Internet applications makes the understanding of network traffic a challenging task. By providing larger-scale aggregates for analysis, unsupervised ...
— Peer-to-peer computing, the harnessing of idle compute cycles throughout the Internet, offers exciting new research challenges in the converging domains of networking and distr...
Virginia Mary Lo, Daniel Zappala, Dayi Zhou, Yuhon...
The use of inaccurate or outdated database statistics by the query optimizer in a relational DBMS often results in a poor choice of query execution plans and hence unacceptably lo...
Ashraf Aboulnaga, Peter J. Haas, Sam Lightstone, G...
In previous papers we have described the basic elements for building an economic model consisting of a group of artificial traders functioning and adapting in an environment conta...